===== LSD instruments, techniques and cells =====
=== Spectroscopic instruments and techniques ===
All spectra in LSD were collected on Nicolet 6700 infrared spectrometer in mid-infrared region with 4 cm-1 resolution, equiped with one of the following accessories:
* High Temperature Golden GateTM by Specac - for Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy experiments with varying relative humidity
* MIRacleTM by PIKE Technologies - for ATR experiments with varying relative humidity
* Prying MantisTM by Harric Scientific - for Diffuse Reflection (DRIFT) spectroscopy high temperature heating experiments
=== Systems and cells ===
* [[sshade:databases:lsd:samples:atrchamber|Environmental chamber for ATR experiments]] under varying relative humidity
* High temperature chamber for DRIFT experiments
==External links==
[[http://www.specac.com/products/ftir-acc/reflect/atr/golden-gate|Website of Golden Gate manufacturer]] \\
[[http://www.piketech.com/atr-miracle-tm-single-reflection.html|Website of MIRacle manufacturer]] \\
[[http://www.harricksci.com/ftir/accessories/group/Praying-Mantis%E2%84%A2-Diffuse-Reflection-Accessory|Website of Prying Mantis manufacturer]] \\