{{ :sshade:databases:logo_mirabelle.png?225|}} ====== SSHADE Databases: Mirabelle ====== === "CRPG" database === Centre de Recherche Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG) / 'Formation et Evolution du Système Solaire et des Planètes' team - CNRS / Université de Lorraine, OSU OTELo, Nancy, France * //Scientific Manager//: Jessica Flahaut * //Database Manager//: Gen Ito * //Data Providers//: Marie Barthez The **Mirabelle** database is specialized in VNIR spectroscopy of Mars, the Moon and terrestrial analog locations and is focusing on the VNIR (0.5-2.5 microns) properties of both sedimentary (e.g., evaporites) and magmatic natural, rock samples. VNIR reflectance spectra of such samples were previously collected on the field with a ASDinc Fieldspec4 and/or Terraspec 4 at various Mars analog location including : the Atacama desert salars and Andean volcanoes (Chile), the Azorean hydrothermal fields (Portugal), the Solfatara crater (Italy). Reflectance spectra are also often re-measured in the laboratory under more controlled parameters (e.g., fixed geometry). They will be contributed to the Mirabelle database in SSSHADE and may serve future planetary studies. ----- The //**Mirabelle**// database service contains spectroscopic experimental data of minerals and rocks. * [[sshade:databases:mirabelle:samples|Samples and Spectra]] * [[sshade:databases:mirabelle:instruments|Instruments and Techniques]] ---- ☛ [[https://www.sshade.eu/db/mirabelle|Access to the SSHADE/Mirabelle search page.]]