BYPASS Samples and Spectra

Data currently ingested in the BYPASS database

Samples of pure water ice particles with well-controlled size distributions

Near-IR reflectance spectra (0.4-2.4 µm) of water ice and smectite mixtures Poch et al., 2016b:

Near-IR reflectance spectra (0.4-2.4 µm) of biomolecules dry powders at 293±2 K Poch et al., 2017:

Near-IR reflectance spectra (0.7-4.0 µm) of spherical water ice particles:

Data under ingestion in the BYPASS database

Spectra of ice and carbonaceous dust mixtures, after sublimation Near-IR reflectance spectra (0.4-2.4 µm) of a pigmented microorganism (Deinococcus radiodurans) Poch et al., 2017:

Near-IR reflectance spectra (0.4-2.4 µm) of water ice and dust mixtures:
Pommerol et al., 2015,Poch et al., 2016a,Poch et al., 2016b,Jost et al., 2017