DOCCD instruments, techniques and cells
Spectroscopic instruments and techniques
Bruker 113v FTIR spectrometer, wavelength range 1 micron to 1 mm
Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 grating spectrometer, wavelength range 190 nm to 3200 nm
Systems and cells
Specular-reflection and transmission sample holders for near-normal incidence
Liquid-helium cooled contact-gas cryostat CryoVac KONTI Spectro B
High-temperature high-pressure cell SPECAC P/N 585 0
Polarizers for UV to FIR wavelengths
Calculation procedures
Kramers-Kronig analysis to derive n and k from R (reflectance)
Lorentzian-oscillator fitting of R and T (thin films, Abelès formalism)
Reflection-corrected Beer-Lambert law in ranges of weak absorption