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GhoSST Samples and Spectra

Data currently in the GhoSST database

Absorption coefficient of CH4-II ice at 20 K

Near/Mid/Far IR transmission or absorbance spectra of ices:

Vis, Near/Mid/Far IR absorption coefficient or optical constants of ices

MIR absorbance spectrum of Orgueil meteorite powder in KBr pellet at 150°C

Vis-NIR bidirectionnal reflectance spectra + spectral BRDF of surfaces:

Near/Mid/Far IR transmission or absorbance spectra of minerals:

Mid-IR transmission or absorbance spectra of Cosmo-materials:

Raman spectra:

Absorbance spectra of solid Cl2SO2, CH3OH, HC3N & C3H4 at low T°

Types of samples & spectra measured at IPAG (and formerly at LGGE & LPG) for the GhoSST database

(to be ingested)

Near-IR to Mid/Far IR transmission spectra of:

Near-IR to Mid/Far IR optical constants and bandlists of:

Vis-NIR bidirectionnal reflectance spectra + spectral BRDF of surfaces:

NIR+MIR microscopic spectra of:

MIR Optical constants of H2O Ia & Ih ices - NIR reflectance spectra of Ferrihydrite + adsorbed H2O

UV-Vis Raman + Fluorescence spectra of:

Fe-XANES spectra of: