Near/Mid/Far IR transmission or absorbance spectra of ices:
Vis, Near/Mid/Far IR absorption coefficient or optical constants of ices
Vis-NIR bidirectionnal reflectance spectra + spectral BRDF of surfaces:
Near/Mid/Far IR transmission or absorbance spectra of minerals:
Mid-IR transmission or absorbance spectra of Cosmo-materials:
Raman spectra:
(to be ingested)
Near-IR to Mid/Far IR transmission spectra of:
Near-IR to Mid/Far IR optical constants and bandlists of:
Vis-NIR bidirectionnal reflectance spectra + spectral BRDF of surfaces:
NIR+MIR microscopic spectra of:
UV-Vis Raman + Fluorescence spectra of:
Fe-XANES spectra of: