SSHADE Databases: Mirabelle

"CRPG" database

Centre de Recherche Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG) / 'Formation et Evolution du Système Solaire et des Planètes' team - CNRS / Université de Lorraine, OSU OTELo, Nancy, France

The Mirabelle database is specialized in VNIR spectroscopy of Mars, the Moon and terrestrial analog locations and is focusing on the VNIR (0.5-2.5 microns) properties of both sedimentary (e.g., evaporites) and magmatic natural, rock samples. VNIR reflectance spectra of such samples were previously collected on the field with a ASDinc Fieldspec4 and/or Terraspec 4 at various Mars analog location including : the Atacama desert salars and Andean volcanoes (Chile), the Azorean hydrothermal fields (Portugal), the Solfatara crater (Italy). Reflectance spectra are also often re-measured in the laboratory under more controlled parameters (e.g., fixed geometry). They will be contributed to the Mirabelle database in SSSHADE and may serve future planetary studies.

The Mirabelle database service contains spectroscopic experimental data of minerals and rocks.

Access to the SSHADE/Mirabelle search page.