SSHADE import XML file generator for "Experimentalist" (developped by Maria Gorbacheva) * Why to use the XML generator for "Experimentalist" ? This self contained executable provides an user-friendly 'web-like' interface to create the xml file for new experimentalist. It verifies that the "Absolute Mandatory" keywords are filled and warn for the "Mandatory" ones. - Available on the Wiki in the Tool page: This link can be sent to any colleage that you need to include as an experimentalist in SSHADE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * For User: How to use the Generator for "Experimentalist" ? - Choose and download the .exe corresponding to your OS (Windows, Mac or Linux), - unzip it - run it ('double click') + possibly bypass some security warning (system dependent) - fill the form and generate the XML file - send the generated XML file to your database manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * For Data Managers and Providers The database manager will just have to fill or check a few keywords in the xml file: - verify that there is no special character in the - complete - check the - verify that is correct and already exist in SSHADE and import the file.