=== Database for AstrochemistrY and SpectroscopY ===
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) / Astrochimie et Origines team - CNRS / Université Paris-Sud, OSUPS, Orsay, France
* //Scientific Manager//: Rosario Brunetto
* //Database Manager//: Donia Baklouti
* //Data Providers//: Alice Aléon-Toppani, Zahia Djouadi, Cateline Lantz
//**DAYSY**// is a database of spectroscopic characterization of solids of planetary and astrophysical interests. DAYSY covers a wide range of natural and synthetic solid samples: ices, organics and carbonaceous materials, and extra-terrestrial materials (meteorites, micro-meteorites & IDPs). Their spectroscopic properties are essentially measured either at IAS laboratory or at Soleil Synchrotron (SMIS beam line facilities), over a large wavelength range (Visible to Far-IR) with various types of spectroscopic techniques (transmission of thin films and processed thin deposits, bidirectional and diffuse reflectance of grains compressed in pellets and raw surfaces (slabs), microscopy of grains, Raman scattering, ellipsometry...), under controlled conditions and often, in a cell designed to reproduce some astrophysical conditions (vacuum, irradiation, low to high temperature, gas phase composition...). High level products such as optical constants, band lists and vibration mode parameters are also extracted through theoretical analysis and modelling of the data.
* [[sshade:databases:daysy:samples|Samples and Spectra]]
* [[sshade:databases:daysy:instruments|Instruments and Techniques]]
☛ [[https://www.sshade.eu/db/daysy|Access to the SSHADE/DAYSY search page.]]