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sshade:documentation:papers [2022/11/06 17:09] Bernard Schmittsshade:documentation:papers [2022/11/06 17:19] (current) – [Papers] Bernard Schmitt
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 +====== SSHADE Documentation ======
 +===== Papers on SSDM and SSHADE =====
 +==== Papers ====
 +  * Dubernet M.L.,V. Boudon, L. Culhane, M. Dimitrijevic, A. Fazliev, C. Joblin, K. Kupka, G. Leto, P. Le Sidaner, P. Loboda, H. Mason, N. Mason, C. Mendoza, G. Mulas, T. Millar, L. Nunez, V. Perevalov, S. Schlemmer, N. Piskunov, Y. Ralchencko, L. Rothman, E. Roueff, T. Ryabchikova, A. Ryabtsev, S. Sahal-Bréchot, B. Schmitt, J. Tennyson, V. Tyuterev, N. Walton, V. Wakelam, C. Zeippen (2010). Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 111, 2151-2159. [doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.05.004].
 +  * Erard S., B. Cecconi, P. Le Sidaner, J. Berthier, F. Henry, C. Chauvin, N. André, V. Génot, C. Jacquey, M. Gangloff, N. Bourrel, B. Schmitt, T. Capria, G. Chanteur (2014). Planetary Science Virtual Observatory architecture. Astronomy & Computing, 7-8, 71-80. (eprint arXiv: 2014arXiv1407.4886E) [doi: 10.1016/j.ascom.2014.07.005]  
 +  * Dubernet, M. L., B. K. Antony, Y. A. Ba, Yu. L. Babikov, K. Bartschat, V. Boudon, B. J. Braams, H.-K. Chung, F. Daniel, F. Delahaye, G. Del Zanna, J. de Urquijo, M. S. Dimitrijevic, A. Domaracka, M. Doronin, B. J. Drouin, C. P. EndresA. Z. Fazliev, S. V. Gagarin, I. E. Gordon, P. Gratier, U. Heiter, C. Hill1, D. Jevremovic, C. Joblin, A. Kasprzak, E. Krishnakumar, G. Leto, P. A. Loboda, T. Louge, S. Maclot, B. P. Marinkovic, A. Markwick, T. Marquart, H. E Mason, N. J. Mason, C. Mendoza, A. A. Mihajlov, T. J. Millar, N. Moreau, G. Mulas, Yu. Pakhomov, P. Palmeri, S. Pancheshnyi, V. I. Perevalov, N. Piskunov, J. Postler, P. Quinet, E. Quintas-Sanchez, Yu. Ralchenko, Y.-J. Rhee, G. Rixon, L. S. Rothman, E. Roueff, T. Ryabchikova, S. Sahal-Brechot, P. Scheier, S. Schlemmer, B. Schmitt, E. Stempels, S. Tashkun, J. Tennyson, Vl. G. Tyuterev, V. Vujcic, V. Wakelam, N.A. Walton, O. Zatsarinny, C. J. Zeippen, C. M. Zwolf  (2016). The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) Consortium. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 49, 074003 (18pp) [doi:10.1088/0953-4075/49/7/074003]
 +  * Erard, S.; Cecconi, B.; Le Sidaner, P.; Rossi, A. P.; Capria, M. T.; Schmitt, B.; Génot, V.; André, N.; Vandaele, A. C.; Scherf, M.; Hueso, R.; Määttänen, A.; Thuillot, W.; Carry, B.; Achilleos, N.; Marmo, C.; Santolik, O.; Benson, K.; Fernique, P.; Beigbeder, L.; Millour, E.; Rousseau, B.; Andrieu, F.; Chauvin, C.; Minin, M.; Ivanoski, S.; Longobardo, A.; Bollard, P.; Albert, D.; Gangloff, M.; Jourdane, N.; Bouchemit, M.; Glorian, J.-M.; Trompet, L.; Al-Ubaidi, T.; Juaristi, J.; Desmars, J.; Guio, P.; Delaa, O.; Lagain, A.; Soucek, J.; Pisa, D. (2018). VESPA: a community-driven Virtual Observatory in Planetary Science. Planetary and Space Science. 150, 65-85. [doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2017.05.013] [2017arXiv170509727E]
 +  *  Erard, S., Cecconi, B., Le Sidaner, P., Chauvin, C., Rossi, A.P., Minin, M., Capria, T., Ivanovski, S., Schmitt, B., Génot, V., André, N., Marmo, C., Vandaele, A.C., Trompet, L., Scherf, M., Hueso, R., Määttänen, A., Carry, B., Achilleos, N., Soucek, J., Pisa, D., Benson, K., Fernique, P. and Millour, E. (2020). Virtual European Solar & Planetary Access (VESPA): A Planetary Science Virtual Observatory Cornerstone. Data Science J. 19, 22 [doi: 10.5334/dsj-2020-022] [arXiv:1907.06521][hal-02886355]
 +//Papers under preparation://
 +  * Schmitt B., Ph. Bollard, D. Albert, A. Garenne, L. Bonal, M. Gorbacheva, O. Poch, P. Volcke and the SSHADE partner's consortium (2022): SSHADE: the European solid spectroscopy database infrastructure "Solid Spectroscopy Hosting Architecture of Databases and Expertise" and its databases. Atoms., Special Issue "Development and Perspectives of Atomic and Molecular Databases - Series II" in preparation
 +//Papers to be prepared://
 +  * Schmitt B., D. Albert, M. Furrer, Ph. Bollard, M. Gorbacheva, A. Leclef, L. Mandon, L. Bonal, O. Poch and the SSHADE partner's consortium (2022): SSHADE: the spectroscopy band list database for molecular solids and minerals, to be prepared
 +  * Schmitt B., Ph. Bollard, A. Garenne, L. Bonal, D. Albert, P. Volcke and the SSHADE partner's consortium (2023). The Solid Spectroscopy Data Model (SSDM) of the SSHADE database infrastructure (Version 0.9.0) - 1. General structure. Fundamental species and phases, objects, matters, samples, experiments and spectra. //Planet Space Sci.// (to be prepared).
 +  * Schmitt B., D. Albert, M. Gorbacheva, Ph. Bollard, and the SSHADE partner's consortium (2023). The Solid Spectroscopy Data Model (SSDM) of the SSHADE database infrastructure - 2. Band lists and parameters. //Journal?// (to be prepared).
 +==== Extended abstracts ====
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:schmitt-ghosst-epsc2013_mti8.pdf |Schmitt, B.}}, D. Albert, P. Bollard, L. Bonal, M. Gorbacheva, P. Beck, E. Quirico and the SSDM expert working group 2013. Last developments of GhoSST and its Solid Spectroscopy Data Model - The SSHADE project. EPSC Meeting 2013, held 9-13 September 2013 in London, UK., EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 8, 821.
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:schmitt-sshade-epsc2014_mti6.pdf |Schmitt B.}}, D. Albert, P. Bollard, L. Bonal, M. Gorbacheva, P. Beck, and E. Quirico 2014. The SSHADE project: an European Database Infrastructure in Solid Spectroscopy. EPSC Meeting 2014, held 8-12 September 2014 in Cascais, Portugal., EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 9, 581.
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:schmitt-sshade-epsc2015_mt9.pdf |Schmitt B.}}, D. Albert, P. Bollard, L. Bonal, M. Gorbacheva, L.Mercier and the SSHADE Consortium Partners 2015. SSHADE in H2020: Development of an European Database Infrastructure in Solid Spectroscopy. EPSC Meeting 2015, held 27 September-2 October 2015 in Nantes, France, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 10, 628.
 +  * Erard, S., B. Cecconi, P. Le Sidaner, T. Capria, A. P. Rossi, B. Schmitt, N. André, A-C Vandaele, M. Scherf, R. Hueso, A. Määttänen, W. Thuillot, N. Achilleos, C. Marmo, O. Santolik, K. Benson, Bollard, Ph. 2015. VESPA: Developing the Planetary Science Virtual Observatory in H2020. EPSC Meeting 2015, held 27 September-2 October 2015 in Nantes, France, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 10, 270
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:schmitt-sshade-epsc2017-702-0_mt8.pdf |Schmitt, B.}}, P. Bollard, A. Garenne, D. Albert, L. Bonal, and the SSHADE Consortium Partners, 2017. SSHADE: an European Database Infrastructure in Solid Spectroscopy. European Planetary Science Congress 2017, held 17-22 September, 2017 in Riga Latvia, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 11, id. EPSC2017-702.
 +  * Erard, S.; Cecconi, B.; Le Sidaner, P.; Rossi, A. P.; Schmitt, B.; Rousseau, B.; Andrieu, F.; Minin, M.; Génot, V.; Glorian, J.-M.; Birlan, M. 2017. Spectroscopy of planetary surfaces in a VO context (VESPA). European Planetary Science Congress 2017, held 17-22 September, 2017 in Riga Latvia, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 11, id. EPSC2017-789.
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:els_abstract_2018_sshade-schmitt.pdf |Schmitt, B.}}, Ph. Bollard, A. Garenne, D. Albert, L. Bonal, and the SSHADE Consortium Partners, 2018. SSHADE: The European solid spectroscopy database infrastructure. European Lunar Symposium, Toulouse, 14-16 May 2018.
 +  * Erard, S.; Cecconi, B.; Le Sidaner, P.; Rossi, A. P.; Capria, M. T.; Schmitt, B.; André, N.; Vandaele, A. C.; Scherf, M.; Hueso, R.; Määttänen, A.; Carry, B.; Achilleos, N.; Marmo, C.; Santolik, O.; Benson, K.; Fernique, P. VESPA: Enlarging the Virtual Observatory to Planetary Science. Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics Conference, held 24-26 April, 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri. LPI Contribution No. 2081, 2018, id.6033.
 +  * Erard S., Cecconi B, Le Sidaner P, Rossi AP, Minin M, Capria MT, Schmitt B, Génot V, André N, Glorian J-M, Vandaele AC, Scherf M, Hueso R, Määttänen A, Carry B, Achilleos N, Marmo C, Santolik O, Soucek J, Benson K and Fernique P (2018) Virtual European Solar & Planetary Access (VESPA): a Virtual Observatory in Planetary Science. Proceedings of PV2018 conference, RAL Harwell Space Cluster (UK), 15-17/05/2018.
 +  * Erard, Stéphane; Cecconi, Baptiste; Le Sidaner, Pierre; Rossi, Angelo Pio; Capria, Teresa; Schmitt, Bernard; Génot, Vincent; André, Nicolas; Glorian, Jean-Michel; Carine Vandaele, Ann; Scherf, Manuel; Hueso, Ricardo; Määttänen, Anni; Carry, Benoît; Achilleos, Nicholas; Marmo, Chiara; Santolik, Ondrej; Soucek, Jan; Benson, Kevin; Fernique, Pierre 2018. Virtual European Solar & Planetary Access (VESPA): Year 3. European Planetary Science Congress 2018, held 16-21 September, 2018 in Berlin, Germany, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 12, id. EPSC2018-348.
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:abstract_sshade_epsc2018-529.pdf |Schmitt B.}}, Ph. Bollard, A. Garenne, D. Albert, L. Bonal, O. Poch, and the SSHADE Consortium Partners, 2018. SSHADE: the European solid spectroscopy database infrastructure. European Planetary Science Congress 2018, held 16-21 September, 2018 in Berlin, Germany, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 12, id. EPSC2018-529.
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:abstract_sshade_epsc-dps2019-2022.pdf |Schmitt, B.}}, Ph. Bollard, A. Garenne, D. Albert, L. Bonal, O. Poch and the SSHADE consortium partners 2019. Evolutions of SSHADE, the European solid spectroscopy database infrastructure. European Planetary Science Congress – Division of planetary Sciences Joint Meeting 2019, held 15-20 September, 2019 in Geneva, Swizerland, [[]] EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 13, id. EPSC-DPS2019-2022-1. [hal-03099211, v1] 
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:abstract_sshade_epsc2020-644.pdf |Schmitt, B.}}, Ph. Bollard, D. Albert, L. Bonal, O. Poch and the SSHADE consortium partners 2020. SSHADE, its solid spectra databases and its future band list of molecular solids. European Planetary Science Congress 2020, held online, 21 September–9 Oct 2020, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 14, id. EPSC-DPS2020-644. [doi:10.5194/epsc2020-644][hal-03099185, v1]
 +  * {{ :sshade:documentation:abstract_sshade_epsc2021-458.pdf |Schmitt, B.}}, M. Furrer, D. Albert, P. Bollard, M. Gorbacheva, L. Bonal, O. Poch and the SSHADE consortium partners 2021. SSHADE-BandList, the new database of spectroscopy band lists of solids. European Planetary Science Congress 2021, held online, 13-24 September 2021, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 15, id. EPSC2021-458. [doi:10.5194/epsc2021-458]