
SSHADE Interface

**[draft from GhoSST] => TODO**

Access to the SSHADE interface:

''Before login''

:: To go back to home page [Future: with a simple search]

:*; Guided :: Step by step search (2 starting options, 7 fields)

:*; Advanced :: Search with 27 optional fields

:: To login as a registered user in Ghosst

''After login''

:: To go back to home page [Future: with a simple search]

:*; Guided :: Step by step search (2 starting options, 7 fields)

:*; Advanced :: Search with 27 optional fields

:*; List :: To search all used data in the database by categories and with a few filters

:*; Export :: To download the selected data

(access restricted to data providers)

:*; Full Search :: To search all data entered in the database by categories with a few filters

:*; Import (in the database) ::*; Matters ::: To import matters ::*; Sample ::: To import samples ::*; Experiment & Spectra ::: To import experiments and their spectra ::*; Bandlist ::: To import bandlists and their bands

:*; Import history :: Log of the data import

:*; Help :: Gives access (wiki) to all documents and files necessary for import data

(access restricted to database managers)

:*; Users :: To list and manage user profiles

:*; OpenEnums :: To list and manage attributes of OpenEnums

:*; Import (in the database) ::*; Species ::: To import fundamental species (atoms, molecules, chemical functions, minerals, …)

::*; Instrument & Lab. ::: To import instruments, laboratories, experimentalists

::*; Publications ::: To import publications ::*; States ::: To import molecular states

:*; Import history :: Log of the data import

:*; Information :: To change your personal information and login password

:*; Export history :: Log of the user data export

:*; Logout :: To logout as an external user from Ghosst

Information menu (Bottom of page)

:: Various documentation (GhoSST, data use, SSDM, experimental systems, …)

:: To give feedback on interface and data (question, comment, error report, user case..)

:: Provides an history of the development of SSDM datamodel and GhoSST interface

:: List of contributors, financial support and technical components used

:: Provides user & database content & download statistics, and link to a stat engine


3 levels available [future: 4 levels] :*; Simple :::[future (also in ‘home’)] :*; Guided

:*; Advanced

:*; List (currently in Data)

[Future] : Search on: species formula or name, phase type ?, spectral range type, spectrum type

: 2 different search options in 7 steps: ::* 'by spectrum type' ::: Starts by “Instrument type” field ::* 'by species' ::: Starts by “species type” field

:*; Add next field ::: to add the next selection field :*;View results ::: to display the list of selected spectra :*; Reset ::: to reset the search to the first step (set to –All–)

:'Tips:' ::- Select one or several choices by left Clic (first), Ctrl+Clic (next), shift+Clic (range), deselect by Ctrl+Clic. No choice = '– All –' ::- The list of choices adjusts depending on the data available with your filters ::- The next field open or refresh automatically after your choice ::- You can force to go to next field with the 'Add next field' buttom ::- After each step the number of spectra satisfying your filters is displayed (upper right)

:'Fields:' ::*; Instrument type (list) :::: choose one or more

::*; Instrument technique (list) :::: choose one or more

::*; Spectral range type (list) :::: either choose a typical range or set to 'Custom'

::*; Spectral range unit (list) :::: choose a wavenumber / wavelength / frequency unit

::*; Spectral range min/max :::: set one or both limits (min and/or max) in the above unit

::*; Matter family (list) :::: choose one or more

::*; Species type (list) :::: choose one or more

::*; Species name :::: write a molecule or mineral name (after the 2 first letters it will propose you a list of relevant choices)

::*; Species formula :::: write a molecule or mineral formula, or just any part of it (after the 2 first letters it will propose you a list of relevant choices)

::*; Species relevance (list) :::: choose one or more

27 different optional selection fields

:*;View results :: to display the list of selected spectra :*; Reset :: to reset the search to the first step (set to –All–)

:'Tips:' ::- Select one or several choices by left Clic (first), Ctrl+Clic (next), shift+Clic (range), deselect by Ctrl+Clic. No choice: '– All –' ::- After each choice the number of products (spectra and band lists) satisfying your filters is displayed (upper right)


:— 'Species' —

::*; Species type (list)

::*; Species formula

::*; Species name and code

::*; Species relevance (list)

:— 'Layer/Material' —

::*; Matter origin

::*; Material name

::*; Material family

::*; Layers number

::*; Layer texture

:— 'Constituent' —

::*; Constituent mixing

::*; Constituent family

::*; Phase type

::*; Species compound

::*; Compound state

:— 'Temperature' —

::*; Temperature min / max (K) :::: Sample temperature ::::: you can set one or both limits

:— 'Spectral range' —

::*; Unit (list)

:::: - wavenumber (cm-1 or m-1) :::: - wavelength (mm, µm, nm, or Angstrom) :::: - frequency unit (Khz, MHz or Ghz)

::*; Type (list)

:::: either choose a typical spectral range or set to 'Custom' :::::- '‘EUV’': Extreme Ultraviolet (10-120 nm) :::::- '‘VUV’': Vacuum Ultraviolet (120-200 nm) :::::- '‘UV’': Ultraviolet (200-400 nm) :::::- ‘UV-Vis’: Ultraviolet-Visible (200-800 nm) :::::- '‘Vis_blue’': Visible Blue (400-600 nm) :::::- '‘Vis’': Visible (400-1000 nm) :::::- '‘Vis_red’': Visible-Red (600-800 nm) :::::- ‘Vis-NIR’: Visible Near-IR (400-5000nm) :::::- '‘NIR’': Near-InfraRed (1-5 µm) :::::- ‘NIR-MIR’: Near+Mid-IR (1-25 µm) :::::- '‘MIR’': Mid-InfraRed (2.5-25 µm) :::::- '‘FIR’': Far-InfraRed (15-500 µm) :::::- '‘sub-mm’': Sub-millimeter (300-1000 µm) :::::- '‘mm’': millimeter (1-10 mm)

::*; Custom min./max. :::: set one or both limits (min and/or max) in the above unit :::

:— 'Instrument' —

::*; Type :::: Type of instrument or model ::::: - ‘FTIR spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘grating spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘AOTF spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘CRDS spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘laser diode spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘SWIFT spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘narrow-band filters spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘grating spectro-imager’: ::::: - ‘narrow-band filters imager’: ::::: - ‘spectro-gonio radiometer’: ::::: - ‘Raman spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘Raman micro-spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘FTIR micro-spectrometer’: ::::: - ‘ellipsometer’: ::::: - ‘radiative transfer simulation’: ::::: - ‘quantum mechanical simulation’:

::*; Technique

::*; Laboratory :::: Laboratory who has copyright on the spectrum (where it has been recorded, and/or laboratory of the visiting experimetalists) :::

:— 'Spectrum' —

::*; Type

:::: Type(s) of spectra – depends on the instrument type

Search result Tables

:: The search results are displayed in 2 tables Spectrum and Bandlist :: They provide synthetic information on: ::: - 'ID': product ID ::: - 'Type': product type ::: - 'Title': product title describing its major features (composition, temperature, spectral range, …) ::: - 'Sample' (for spectrum): description of the sample ::: - 'Primary constituent' (for bandlist): composition of the constituent containing the primary molecular species of the bandlist ::: - 'Primary species' (for bandlist): the band list contains the bands information of this specific (isotopic) species in the above constituent ::: - 'Spectral range min./max.': limits of validity of the product (in the unit you specified in search) ::: - 'Sample temperature': in K ::: - 'Species' (for spectrum): list of the species contained in the sample

:'Icons:' :::- box' icon': allows to send directly the product in the 'shoping basket' :::- magnifer' icon' (for spectrum): display a small plot of the spectrum :::- table' icon': go to product informations with interactive display of spectrum —– === Spectrum graph & info === : accessed from the 'table icon' in the search result table ==== Graph ==== : display the graph in its original unit ::* Legend: ::* Settings: :::: - Errors: :::: - Infos: :::: - Unit: :::: - Color(s): 'intensity' or 'n' and 'k' ::* Zooms: :::: - Full range :::: - Valid range ::* Navigation: :::: - Vertical zoom: Click + Mouse move (Up or Down) :::: - Horizontal zoom: Click + Mouse move (Left or Right) :::: - Zoom out: Click :::: - Zoom reset: Double Click :::: - Pan: [SHIFT] + Click + Mouse move (Up, Down, Left or Right) ==== Spectrum info ==== —– === Sample info === : the sample info is structured in several levels: ::*; Sample ::*; Layer(s) ::*; Material(s) ::*; Constituent(s) ::*; Specie(s) —– == Data == === List === :Allow to search all used data in the database by categories and with a few filters ==== Species ==== :*; Molecules ::: can filter by type, formula, name, InChI / CAS. Can exclude isotopes :*; Minerals ::: can filter by type, formula, name, class, code and crystal system. Can restrict to hydrated minerals ==== Sample data ==== :*; Samples ::: can filter by name, layer type, matter origin and family, constituent phase type and compound, species type, formula, name, code and relevance :*; Materials ::: can filter by name, matter origin and family, constituent phase type and compound, species type, formula, name, code and relevance :*; Matters ::: can filter by main type (currently mineral or fluid), name, reference, origin. Mineral family, type, rock type and texture. Fluid family and type. ==== Spectral data ==== :*; Spectra ::: can filter by ID, type, update date, publication state, sample ID. Can include parent/sons spectra. :*; Band lists ::: can filter by type and title, sample name, constituent name, family, phase and arrangement, Species type, formula, name, code and relevance. ==== Bibliography ==== :*; Publication ::: can filter by document type, publication state and year, author name, journal name, volume and first page, content and keyword —– === Export === :Allow to export the selected spectra and associated information (spectrum, sample, experiment, instrument) :[future: export of band list] :*; Table of selected spectra: :: - display ID, spectrum type, file title, spactral range min/max, sample species, date :*; Parameters: :: - Wavenumber/Wavelength/Frequency: unit, format, number of digits and decimals :: - Spectral range: whole range, valid range only, user defined min/max :: - Value/Intensity: format, number of digits and decimals :: - Spectra data file: type and format :: - Export archive file: filename, compression type —– —– == Producer == : Restricted to data provider === Full search === : Allow to search all data in the database: fundamental data, sample data and publications ==== Species and Matters data ==== :*; Atoms ::: can filter by ID, UID, type, symbol, name, mass number A, and atomic number Z. Can exclude isotopes :*; Chemical functions ::: can filter by ID, UID, type, formula, and name :*; Molecules ::: can filter by ID, UID, type, formula, name, and InChI / CAS. Can exclude isotopes :*; Minerals ::: can filter by ID, UID, type, formula, name, class, code and crystal system. Can restrict to hydrated minerals :*; Matters ::: can filter by ID, UID, main type (currently mineral or fluid), name, reference, origin. Mineral family, type, rock type and texture. Fluid family and type. :*; Solutions ::: can filter by ID, UID, type and name ==== Sample data ==== :*; Samples ::: can filter by sample ID, UID, name, generic and processing type; Layer type and formation mode; Material ID, matter origin and family; Constituent ID, phase type and compound; Species type, formula, name, code and relevance :*; Layers ::: can filter by layer ID, UID, type, texture, formation mode; Material number and mixing :*; Materials ::: can filter by material ID, UID, name; Matter origin and family; Constituent phase type and compound; Species type, formula, name, code and relevance :*; Constituents ::: can filter by constituent ID, UID, name, family, phase type and compound; Species type, formula, name, code and relevance ==== Spectral data ==== :*; Experiments ::: can filter by: :::: - experiment ID and UID. Can include parent/sons experiments :::: - sample ID and UID. Can include parent/sons sample :::: - spectrum ID and UID. Can include parent/sons spectra :::: - experimentalist ID, UID and name :*; Spectra ::: can filter by: :::: - spectrum ID, UID, type, level, original file name. Can include parent/sons spectra :::: - spectrum dates: creation, update and validation :::: - validator name :::: - publication state :::: - sample ID :*; Band lists ::: can filter by: :::: - bandlist ID, UID, type and title, :::: - sample ID, UID and name :::: - constituent ID, UID, name, family, phase and arrangement :::: - species ID, UID, type, formula, name, code and relevance ==== Instrument data ==== :*; Instruments ::: can filter by: :::: - instrument ID, UID, name, type, technique :::: - laboratory :*; Laboratories ::: can filter by: :::: - laboratory ID, UID, name/acronym :*; Experimentalists ::: can filter by: :::: - experimentalists ID, UID, name, status :::: - laboratory ==== Bibliography ==== :*; Publications ::: can filter by: :::: - publication ID, UID, document type, publication state and year; :::: - author name; :::: - journal name, volume and first page :::: - publication content and keywords ==== Other data ==== :*; OpenEnum ::: can filter by: :::: - keyword name —– === Import === : Use specially formatted XML files for data import :: - various validity checks are performed: xml format, enumerations, mandatory keywords, … :: - The simulation mode allow the debug of the file before import ::*; Matter ::: Import matter(s) ::*; Sample ::: Import a sample ::*; Experiment & Spectra ::: Import an experiment and its spectra ::*; Bandlist ::: Import bandlists and bands —– === Import history === :: List all imported data with link ::: - Import type, data IDs, Date, producer name —– === Help === : go to 'Data providers documentation' page in wiki :: - How to prepare step by step the XML files for the import of data in the GhoSST database :: - General rules to fill data XML files :: - How to import data with XML files :: - XML import files: repository of the xml templates for: ::: Fundamental data imports ::::* Species ::::* Matters ::::* Objects (for meteorites) ::::* States (for bandlist) ::::* Publications ::::* Laboratory / Experimentalists ::::* Instruments ::: Data imports ::::* Samples ::::* Experiments + instrument parameters + spectra ::::* Band lists / bands —– —– == Manager == : Restricted to database manager === Users === : Allow to: :: - list the users information: ID, name, organization, laboratory, city, country, users type and status :: - edit and change users type and status —– === OpenEnums === : Management of the attribute of the OpenEnumerations ::* 'Search': list the attributes of the selected OpenEnum 'Keyword(s)' ::: - keyword, attribute value ::* 'Reset': unselect the 'Keyword(s)' ::* 'New''': to create a new attribute of the selected OpenEnum 'Keyword' ::: - 'Create': create the attribute entered in 'Value' ::: - 'Cancel': exit the 'New' mode


: Use specially formatted XML files for data import

:: - various validity checks are performed: xml format, enumerations, mandatory keywords, … :: - the simulation mode allow the debug of the file before import

::*; Species ::: Import fundamental species (atoms, molecules, minerals, chemical functions, solutions)

::*; Instruments & labs ::: Import instruments, laboratories and experimentalists

::*; Publications ::: Import publications

::*; States ::: Import molecule states

Import history

:: List all imported data with link ::: - Import type, data IDs, Date, producer name


*; Before login


:: Allow to register as a GhoSST user ::*; Ask for: ::: - e-mail address and new password ::: - your first and last names ::: - Your organization, Laboratory/Division (optional), address (optional), city, country (list) ::*; 'Register': to validate your registration


:: To login as a registered user in Ghosst ::: - user + password

*; After login


:: Allow to change your personal information and login password

Export History

: Log of all exported data, with link ::: - Import type, data IDs, export date


:: Allow to logout

  • sshade/interface/user_manual.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/01/30 18:44
  • by Bernard Schmitt