
SSHADE Facts Sheet

[state at 20/08/2024]

SSHADE stands for “Solid Spectroscopy Hosting Architecture of Databases and Expertise”


  • (data search/visualization/export tools, and more…)



  • Scientific manager: Bernard Schmitt (DR, CNRS - IPAG)
  • SSHADE / GhoSST support: Lydie Bonal (Astron., UGA - IPAG)
  • Users/providers support: Zélia Dionnet (Astron. Adj., OSUPS - IAS)
  • Technical manager: Damien Albert (IE, CNRS - OSUG)
  • Technical developer: Etienne Dode (CDD IE, UGA - OSUG)

Data type

  • on-line spectroscopic data
  • with fully documented metadata on materials, samples, spectra, publications…

Type of materials

  • ices, snow, molecular solids…
  • minerals, rocks
  • organic solids, carbonaceous materials…
  • liquids

Type of samples

  • synthesized in the laboratory,
  • natural terrestrial analogues collected or measured in the field,
  • extra-terrestrial samples collected on Earth: (micro-)meteorites, IDPs, …
  • extra-terrestrial samples collected on planetary bodies: lunar soils…

Type of spectra

  • transmission, absorption coefficient, optical constants…
  • reflectance, BRDF…
  • Raman spectra…
  • XANES spectra

Type of band lists

  • Absorption and Raman
  • Fundamental molecular solids and Minerals

Spectral range

  • designed from gamma to radio wavelengths
  • but currently mostly from near-UV to sub-mm (0.3µm - 1mm), plus X-ray.

Data numbers

  • experiments: 434 (+52*)
  • samples: ~3000 (+300*)
  • spectra: 7718 (+1002*)
  • Bandlists: 64 (+6*)
  • Bands: 1345 (+150*)

(*: ingested, to be released)

Data providers

  • active databases: 22
  • starting databases: 6
  • future databases: 3*
  • partner teams: 30 (+3*)
  • Database managers: 45 (+5*)
  • researchers : 130
  • countries: 14 (+2*)

(*: planned future)

Data users

  • registered users: 653
  • Unique visitors per month: 11000 (awstats), 1315 (Matomo*)
  • Visits per month: 35000 (awstats), 1550 (Matomo*)
  • Download per month: 9.95 Go

average over 3 last months (*: strongly filtered)

  • sshade/factsheet.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/08/19 08:56
  • by Bernard Schmitt