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SSHADE Databases

These pages present all the individual SSHADE databases and describe the types of samples and instruments/techniques used to measure the spectra provided in the SSHADE database infrastructure.

Interactive map of SSHADE consortium (Databases: green = active / blue = starting / orange = future)

Active databases (green on map)

  • ACID - AstroChemical Ices Database (UKC, PRL, NSRRC, AU)
  • BYPASS - Bern icY Planetary Analogues Solid Spectroscopy (Unibe)
  • CSS - Cold Surfaces Spectroscopy facility (IPAG)
  • CHIPS - Canadian Hyperspectral Integrated Planetary Spectroscopy (UWinnipeg)
  • DAYSY - Database for AstrochemistrY and SpectroscopY (IAS)
  • DB-GEOPS - GEOsciences Paris-Saclay database (GEOPS, U. Paris Sud Orsay / CNRS)
  • DOCCD - Database of Optical Constants for Cosmic Dust (AIU Obs., U. Vienna)
  • FAME - French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental science (ESRF)
  • GhoSST - Grenoble Astrophysics and Planetology Solid Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics (IPAG)
  • LSD - Layered Silicates Database (CML)
  • Mirabelle - Mirabelle database (CRPG)
  • PaSSTEL Planetary Surface Spectroscopy Toulouse Experimental Laboratory (IRAP)
  • PIG PIGmentothèque (EDYTEM)
  • REAP - Raman Experiments for Astrobiology and Planetology (LGL-TPE)
  • REFL_SLAB - REFLectance database of the Spectroscopy LABoratory (IAPS)
  • ROMA - ROck reflectance for MArtian in situ exploration (LGL-TPE, IPAG)
  • SCOOP - Spectroscopy of organic COmpounds fOr Planetology (LISA)
  • SOSYPOL - SOlar SYstem analogues database POLand (SSDPG)
  • SPAN - Spectroscopy of Planetary Aerosol aNalogues (LATMOS)
  • SSTONE - Solid Spectroscopy daTabase Of NantEs (LPGN)
  • STOPCODA - SpecTroscopy and Optical Properties of COsmic Dust Analogues (IRAP)
  • UH-ApS - University of Helsinki Astrophysical Scattering and Spectroscopy Database (Univ. Helsinki)

Starting databases (blue on map)

  • BOREALIS DataBase fORr MatErial And PLanetary ScIence Spectroscopy (U. Ege)
  • COMEDA - COmetary, MEteoroids Dust and Analogs (IAPS, U. Parthenope)
  • FGI_RefLib Finnish Geospatial Research Institute Reflectance Library (FGI)
  • LPRS - Library of Planetary Remote Sensing (LPRS)
  • MIA - Marseille Ice Analogues (PIIM)

Near future Databases (orange on map)

  • ISMAD - Institute for the Structure of Matter MADrid database (IEM)
  • phasma Earth and Planetary Materials Laboratory Spectral Database (NTUA)
  • PLUS Planetary Laboratory of University of Salento database (PLUS)

Future Databases (orange on map)


New partners

In the frame of the Europlanet-2024 RI program 11 new partners joined the SSHADE infrastructure:

  • Centre de Recherche Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (FR)
  • China University of Geosciences (CN)
  • Centre de Recherche Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (FR)
  • Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FI)
  • GEOsciences Paris-Saclay (FR)
  • Laboratoire Environnements, DYnamiques et TErritoires de la Montagne (FR)
  • National Technical University of Athens (GR)
  • Unıversıty of Ege (TR)
  • University of Helsinki (FI)
  • University of Salento (IT)
  • University of Winnipeg (CA)
  • sshade/databases.1717165829.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/05/31 14:30
  • by Bernard Schmitt