
This is an old revision of the document!

  • Short description: database from the Astrochemistry laboratory (NASA GSFC) focused on low temperature Mid and Far-IR (2.5-100 µm) transmission spectra and optical constants of ices and small organic molecules and their mixtures
  • Sample types: Ices, nitriles, hydrocarbons and complex organic molecules
  • Spectra types: transmission/absorbance spectra and optical constants over the Mid-IR (400-4000 cm-1) and Far-IR (100-500 cm-1))
  • Search tools: Web pages with static lists of ice names
  • Data format: ASCII (.txt), binary SPC/Brucker (.SPC)
  • Preview format: pdf (.pdf)
  • Metadata: limited: ice composition, sample thickness & growth rate, substrate, spectral resolution, formation and measurement temperature, reference…
  • Metadata format: in HTML page (.html) and part in header of data file (.txt)
  • Download: individual or series download
  • Notes: large number of ices, nitriles, hydrocarbons and complex organic molecules
  • sshade/otherdb/cosmicice.1735057066.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/12/24 16:17
  • by Bernard Schmitt