
SSHADE Databases: FAME

French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental science database service

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) / FAME line team - Structure d'Exploitation des CRG, OSUG, Grenoble, France

  • Scientific Manager: Denis Testemale
  • Database Manager: Isabelle Kieffer
  • Direct Data Providers: Olivier Proux
  • Indirect Data Providers: all the FAME and FAME-UHD users

The FAME database is composed of data acquired at the two French spectroscopy beamlines of the ESRF synchrotron: FAME (BM30B) and FAME-UHD (BM16). It aims at gathering spectra of standards and characteristic samples provided by the beamlines users. In its current state, the database contains spectra collected on the different instruments of the beamlines, and at various experimental conditions, both in terms of sample nature (liquid/crystal/powder) and environment (pressure/temperature).

Here is a short presentation of the database:

Required Data: the files to be filled by the user to prepare the data ingestion into the database

Access to the SSHADE\FAME search page.

  • sshade/databases/fame.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/16 09:44
  • by Isabelle Kieffer